Saturday, 21 May 2016

Buhari To Niger Delta Militants - Don’t confront my administration,

    PRESIDENT Muhamma­du Buhari, on Friday, urged militants in the Niger Delta to drop their confrontational stance and work with his government to
review the Amnesty Programme initi­ated by the Late ex-President Umaru Yar’Adua Adminis­tration.
President Buhari assured oil companies operating in the Niger Delta that the Fed­eral Government is taking all necessary actions to protect strategic assets in the region from vandals and criminals.
Speaking at a meeting with the Global Director (Upstream) of the Royal Dutch Shell Group, Andrew Brown, President Buhari said that he had directed the Chief of Naval Staff to re­organise and strengthen the military Joint Task Force (JTF) in the Niger Delta to deal effectively with the re­surgence of militancy and the sabotage of oil installa­tions.
The President told Mr. Brown that the operations of the JTF were also being en­hanced with increased sup­port and cooperation from the United States and Eu­rope in the areas of training, intelligence, equipment and logistics.
He said: “We have to be very serious with the situation in the Niger Delta because it threatens the na­tional economy. I assure you that everything possible will be done to protect personnel and oil assets in the region.”
The president urged ag­grieved persons, militants and communities in the Ni­ger Delta to drop their con­frontational stance and work with those who have been charged by the Federal Gov­ernment to review the Am­nesty Programme initiated by the Yar’Adua Adminis­tration for the benefit of all parties.
President Buhari praised the resilience and staying power of Shell in Nigeria despite the operational chal­lenges of the environment.
He urged the company to do its best to end gas flaring in the Niger Delta quickly and produce more gas for electricity generation to sup­port manufacturing and job creation in the country.
Mr. Brown had appealed for an urgent solution to ris­ing crime and militancy in the Niger Delta.
The Shell Executive also dispelled speculations that the company was pulling out of Nigeria.
He said that contrary to such speculations, Shell was currently in discussions with the Nigerian National Petro­leum Corporation (NNPC) on new joint oil and gas projects.

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