Tuesday, 7 June 2016

''Nosebleeds in Children: Causes & What to Do''

By : Dr Mrs Eyinade Eweje
Though a nosebleed, also called epistaxis, may get you very worried and racing off to your child’s doctor immediately, it is often harmless and can be treated at home. Your child may experience it while asleep, resting or at play, and usually, nose injuries from rough play, aggressive nose-picking, blowing, scratching or rubbing are common causes.
In other cases, nasal allergies, a sinus or bacterial infection or terrible cold may cause severe
nasal congestion and irritation, making your child rub or scratch excessively.
Blood may flow from one or both nostrils, and last between a few seconds to 10 minutes. Here are effective home remedies you can apply and when you should see a doctor.
*Try to remain calm and reassure your child. If you fret, you’ll only increase your child’s fear or anxiety.
*Let your child sit upright in a chair or on your lap and tilt his head slightly forward. NOTE: Don’t let your child lean back to prevent blood draining down the back of his throat. This may cause trigger nausea.
*Pinch the soft part of his nose (below the bony ridge) with a tissue or clean wash
cloth. Do this firmly and continuously for 10 – 15 minutes. Repeat a second time if bleeding does not stop.
*Ask your child to relax, open and breathe through his mouth to drain blood down his nose.
*Encourage him to spit out blood instead of swallowing it.
*He should also stay upright instead of lying down to reduce blood pressure in his nose and discourage further bleeding. Applying an ice pack to the bridge of his nose will also help decrease blood pressure.
To prevent recurrent nosebleeds, discourage nose-picking and rubbing. Moisturizing the lining of your child’s nose by using a recommended nasal spray two or three times daily will also help. Note that you should use a small amount as applying too much or too deep into the nose can cause more irritation or damage.
See a doctor if your child’s nosebleed doesn’t cease despite applying the above remedies, or the bleeding is accompanied with a headache, weakness, dizziness, bleeding gums, blood in the urine or stool or general signs of illness.
If your child has nosebleeds very often, your doctor may refer your child to an ear, nose and throat specialist for proper diagnosis and remedies.

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